Do you have visions of launching your business or fully stepping into your call but feel stuck?
Have you decided yet that you don't want to spend another season living in someone else's box for you but you’re not sure where to start?
Do you want to stop feeling hurt, unfulfilled, and not good enough in your relationships?
Do you have Imposter Syndrome, leading you to doubt your gifts and talents?
““This life be over soon. Heaven last always.”
“Girl, you betta bash Mister’s head open and think about Heaven later.”
It is my calling to facilitate your healing and re-building process so that you will:
Learn to trust yourself again
Understand the relationship between self-love and self-care
Tap into what you’re really feeling
Develop confidence around owning your desires and manifesting them
Dismantle the blocks that have you kept you from the relationships and work you desire
Expose the places you have become numb
Feel safe, valid, and comfortable in expressing your feelings
After completing a pre-work questionnaire, you will get a 90-minute session where we dive into your blocks and you learn specific strategies to achieve your next level.
You walk away with:
Feeling heard and understood, finally
Awareness of what your patterns and triggers are
Tools to interrupt the patterns and clear next steps
Clarity on your heart’s desire
Toolkit for practice and ritual
You’re an ambitious woman who are in a service-based career
You have amassed degrees, certifications, courses, and books in your desire to level up
You’ve left a relationship where you were tired of giving your all and not receiving what you needed in returned
You want to stop feeling hurt
You want to trust yourself again
You’re tired of hiding pieces of yourself so that others will accept you
You’ve been seeking a more authentic relationship with Divine and dabble in unconventional spirituality