Overcome Your  Money Story- Healing Financial Trauma

Overcome Your Money Story- Healing Financial Trauma

Let’s face it. Most people are living paycheck to check and this COVID-19 pandemic is making finances even more precarious.

I’m not going to gaslight you into believing that your bank account balance is entirely your fault.

I can write a whole diatribe about Wall Street, the top 1%, systemic racism, and capitalism posing as democracy.

If I wrote about that, you will feel helpless and defeated about your ability to recover from your financial situation.

Instead, I want to focus what IS in your control— your money story.

What is a money story?

A person’s money story is the internal narrative and set of beliefs they’ve come to understand about wealth, poverty, and a person’s predisposition to either one. This includes financial trauma they’ve experienced, as well as generational “curses” around money that’s been passed down.

(See my article, “Generational Curses: How to End Trauma with Practice, Work, and Ritual.”)

You can overcome your money story by noticing how you use it, by doing “shadow work” to uproot it, and by developing new habits. Read more to learn how. @heyymrsmcdaniel

What are 4 ways your money story shows up?

I wrote a comprehensive article, “What Your Money Habits Reveal About You.” In it, I break down 4 revelations that can be related to one’s:

✔️ Problem solving skills


✔️Spiritual relationships

✔️Walking in your purpose

What it is not: It is not an indictment on those that do not earn a living wage. That’s capitalism, greed, and systemic oppression’s fault.

What can you do about it today?

Do preliminary shadow work: Download your copy of Choosing Healing, 13 lessons to know, start, stop, and continue as you embark on your healing journey.

Skip the line: Add your name to this list for early access (and special pricing) for the downloadable workshop, First 5 Steps for Overcoming Your Money Story.

I can’t wait to see your choice and read your comments below!

In liberation,


Choosing Healing
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Choosing Healing

Choosing Healing guides you through 13 specific lessons and exercises to address your personal roadblock once and for all.

In my early 30s, I was stressed out and at my breaking point.

My world fell apart, and I had to figure out how to rebuild. For the first time in my adult life, I had time and extra income and I was STILL burnt out. I realize that *I* was the issue-- not my circumstances, not my relationships, not my finances, not the weather. It was me. Because I've been blessed with the gifts of teaching and writing, I was able to journal my way through that experience and develop a process of healing that truly works.

  • My credit improved by more than 100 points

  • My food intolerances went away

  • My relationships were restored

  • Too many more blessings to name

Don't get me wrong. I'm not selling a get rich, get skinny, and get married plan. But what I am offering is the chance to finally heal your issues, so that you experience the abundance that is your Divine birthright.

What we're NOT about to do is "forgive our enemies"

What we're NOT about to do is "forgive our enemies"

Generational Curses: How to end trauma using practice, work, and ritual

Generational Curses: How to end trauma using practice, work, and ritual