Choosing Healing
Choosing Healing
Choosing Healing guides you through 13 specific lessons and exercises to address your personal roadblock once and for all.
In my early 30s, I was stressed out and at my breaking point.
My world fell apart, and I had to figure out how to rebuild. For the first time in my adult life, I had time and extra income and I was STILL burnt out. I realize that *I* was the issue-- not my circumstances, not my relationships, not my finances, not the weather. It was me. Because I've been blessed with the gifts of teaching and writing, I was able to journal my way through that experience and develop a process of healing that truly works.
My credit improved by more than 100 points
My food intolerances went away
My relationships were restored
Too many more blessings to name
Don't get me wrong. I'm not selling a get rich, get skinny, and get married plan. But what I am offering is the chance to finally heal your issues, so that you experience the abundance that is your Divine birthright.